Monday, April 25, 2011

Hair extensions

Hair extensions and jewels have become the latest fasion assesory. No matter your age your age you are not too young or old for a feather in your hair. from natural colors to neon pink, tiffiany's blue, bright green, and a dazzling purple to add to your hair. The many colors let you expess yourself and even your favorite color and make a great everyday assesory to add. The popular feathers can be seen everywhere.The feathers are actually turkey feathers but can come in sizes fat and short to long and skinny. They even curl when you curl your hair. You have to use a special brush with them but they can be found at any place selling hair accesorys. They are put on your hair by a clip and can even be taken off at home if you decide to take it off.  Another thing that has been used in hair are rinstones. You can get clear or rainbow gems that come on a string to be glued in your hair like a real extension from hairdreams. They are not as easy to get out but last longer. You can use the same kind of brush you use for the feather or the special hairdreams brush that you can buy to complement it. Either extension is very fun and a great way to spice up your everyday wardrobe.

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